The Coumpound Effect
You can make a great progress by just small steps.
I am not a great believer in get rich quick schemes, lose weight in 7 days, love at first sight, etc that’s why when I heard about this effect I was convince, so let’s start.
What is the Compound Effect?
The concept is basically to say that smaller steps over a long period of time will have a greater, more beneficial and successful effect on your life than bigger steps in a shorter period of time (that most people will not stick to).
What That mean?
To undrestand this effect let’s take a real example, I wanted to learn spanish years ago, I had the idea but when I start after 2 weeks or one month max I drop everything down, maybe you are thinking about a similar thing in your life, I was searching for a solution and I lately I found it.
The solution for me was learning Spanish for only 10 minutes everyday, I can allow myself to do more but never less and never skip a day. Now I’m in my 38 days, and I feel I’m making a progress.
What we need to learn from that?
Work hard, There is no such thing as an overnight success. You have to work hard considerably everyday to make the compound effect work in favour of you.
The Compound Effect work always but never forget you can make it work for you or it will work against you.
It is the small things we do in life that makes the biggest of differences. You don’t become obese overnight nor do you lose your wealth instantly. It is all a compound effect of bad decisions taken almost everyday over a considerable period of time.
Some very practical suggestions to implement good habits and get rid of bad ones. So if you want to lose weight, what many people do, is to buy an expensive gym membership, new gym clothes and shoes to exercise. They work out intensively for an hour a day for 7 days. Then they give up disappointed with the results. Instead that it is better to walk 10 minutes a day and slowly increase it till it becomes a habit like brushing your teeth. In this way you will have long lasting impact for your health.
The Compound effect is always in action be it finance, business, health, relationships or your spirituality.
It is also important to take things slowly. Work everyday and without burning out, you will have the compound effect giving you the biggest momentum in a few years time.
I am already implementing This advice in my life and feel that in taking things slowly, I am able to adopt healthier long lasting habits.
You want to hear how the Compound effect made Stephen Duneier win a genis Record watch this video.
You want to read from a specialist read, you can get a look to The Compound Effect Book by Darren Hardy